The Prison Bad Boy M/M Gay Taboo Read online

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  Carter is trying to swallow it all each time. Half of the time he fails to do so, but the man in charge is not complaining. In fact, he actually seems like he enjoys the struggle that Carter is going thru just to swallow his dick.

  “I’m almost there”, he says to Carter and soon begins to cum inside of his mouth. “Fuck!” he begins to yell as he unleashes his load. The sperm is sliding over Carter’s lips onto his beard.

  “Just swallow it”, the man says to Carter as he is pushing the cum from Carter’s beard into his mouth. Carter finds the taste of the man’s cum tasteless. He just swallows it quickly without flinching and licks his lips like he has just ate an ice cream.

  “You are very good”, the man says. “But, there is a bit more to the story”, he continues. “You see, there is something else you need to do.”

  ”What?” Carter yells.

  “I advise you to be calm.” Carter relaxes a bit, while being on his knees still. “Now, as I’ said, you will have to work just a bit more before you get what you want. You see, there is a group of prisoners, precisely, there are three of them in front of this office, and they are waiting for their turn.”

  ”No!” Carter says.

  ”Yes. They are here and they will have their ways with you. They are very excited and you better not let them down or make them angry. They will retaliate, you know.”

  Carter can’t believe that he is getting crossed over like that.

  “You promised me that only you will ask for... this!” he says to the man in charge.

  “Well, now there are a few more men. But you will not suck their dick. You will also be fucked probably, but, that will grant you more privileges. The more obedient you are, the better your stay here will be, and you will go home soon.”

  ”I don’t believe you.”

  ”You don’t have to. Just do what I say and you will be treated nicely.” He looks at the guard. “Invite them in.” The guard opens the door and soon, three big guys come in. They are buff and visibly hairy. Manly man. The heads of their gang probably. Carter can’t mess with them for sure. Or he can, but will pay for it with his life, maybe.

  “As I’ve promised to you men, here he is. I believe he will serve you well, as he did for me. Are we now okay?”

  “Yes”, one of the prisoners says.

  “Good. You can do now what you want. The guard will be here to help you with whatever you need. Just, spare him if you can. Don’t destroy him completely. He is exactly my type of men, after all”, he advises the prisoners and leaves the office.

  Prisoners soon strip down all of their clothes almost. Only one is completely naked. The other has white socks on and a third one didn’t take his boots off.

  The guard approaches the Carter and tells him to behave well. Then he starts to take his pants off. Soon, Carter’s big, strong, muscly legs are left naked and his big bubble butt remains uncovered.

  The prisoner with the white socks comes closer to Carter’s mouth and pushes his dick quickly in. As of the man in charge, this dick is also not that big. But the remaining two are definitely of a decent size and they are going to be hard to receive, Carter is thinking.

  Then, completely unexpectedly, Carter feels something cold and really hard touching his butt. He back off from it but is again secured to the same position, on his knees, with his ass a bit lifted from the floor for the easier access.

  Then again, the same cold, hard object starts touching his but and soon his asshole. It slides in between Carter’s ass cheeks and he realizes that the object is rounded and it feels like a stick. Soon, he can deduce that the object is actually a police baton.

  Carter doesn’t want to have that inside of him. He can’t imagine that anybody does want it but still, he doesn’t have a choice. He doesn’t even know who is pushing that thing inside of him as he is sucking the prisoners dick and is unable to turn around. The logical person is the guard, but he seems like he isn’t the real member of the scenario that is being played out. The guard seems to just listen to the orders but is not necessarily enjoying all of it.

  The baton feels smooth and wet. Who ever is pushing it in Carter has definitely spat on it. Carter’s asshole starts to spread quickly even though it hurts. The baton is moving slowly but surely. Once it has reached the point where it can’t go further, the guy who is pushing it in is moving the baton in and out, very quickly, not wasting time. The object in Carter’s ass feels bad but surprisingly, also good. It’s hard to describe it but it’s very weird for Carter to receive such a thing and be okay with that. It’s like he actually, in some way, enjoys it.

  The prisoner with the boots goes behind him once the baton is removed and Carter feels something even thicker but not harder starting to penetrate him. It’s obviously cock. It isn’t as smooth as the baton but it’s softer and is somehow assumes the shape of Carter’s asshole. It fills up every cavity and every unexplored part of the Carter’s insides. His prostate is definitely starting to be rubbed the right way and Carter feels the urge to start moaning.

  As the dick is going inside of his ass, so it does in his mouth. The prisoner who took all of his clothes of moves closer to Carter’s mouth and Carter starts to suck two dicks, each one at a time.

  His ass is getting drilled pounded roughly but as harder as it gets, the more he enjoys it. He finds that really surprising. He never thought about sleeping with men, especially not with a big, buff, hairy men. But for some reason, it feel very... right.

  Later he has learned that, besides obviously being physically attracted to men, he must have enjoyed that situation simply because he was getting something he has never gotten before really, which was attention. He was finally in the center of the spotlight. Everyone has circled around him and wanted to take a piece of him. And they did.

  The prisoners have exchanged their ways with each other, pushing their cocks in Carter’s holes and fucking him like wild beast while he was starting to moan. Carter has licked their feet and sniffed their socks, he obeyed them all as he was told, but he actually enjoyed it a lot. He liked serving them and being under their boots.

  One of the guys, he didn’t know which one, has filled his ass with a lot of cum that was dripping from his ass as he was dressing his pants again.

  The other two came on his chest and face. His eyes were closed and he had just focused on receiving pleasure and what ever else they intended to give him.

  Once that was done, he was taken to his cell, and soon, he really did get started to be treated nicely, but as long as he has served them, and also to whom ever else they brought to him.

  He was also released from the prison earlier, and he exited as a new man, with even more experience, ready to serve to others.

  The End.

  Please Enjoy Another Bonus Story Next...

  Pleasured By His Biker


  Blake had sworn off women years ago, he was better off without them after the things he has been through with relationships. He just figured he would be single and focus on his career and friends. That is all about to change when Greg walks into his bar. Greg was a bad boy biker, his muscles inked to perfection, with a smooth confident attitude. Blake never thought he was into men, but Greg is about to change all of that. Blake's been hurt before in the past, but he's never been with a man, maybe it would be different.


  “You really need to do something with your life”, Steve was saying to his friend. “It’s been four years man. You need to hook up with someone. Nina is not the only woman on this planet.”

  “I’ll do what I wanna do”, Blake said.

  “You own this fucking bar dude! You can do what ever you want here. Invite some girls to a party. Enjoy your life while you’re still young. You don’t wanna end up like me when you get old!”

  “True. But still... !” Blake doesn’t want to have anything with anybody at this point.

  “Do it. Just have some fun”, Steve said and paid for his beer. “I gotta go n
ow. Think about it. Talk to you later”, he said and went out.

  Perhaps Blake could loosen up a bit. Four years are a long time when you’re alone. Time passes more slowly than usual and everything seems more boring. But even though he wasn’t in a relationship for the past four years that doesn’t mean that he was alone. After he divorced from Nina, all he wanted to do was to hang out with the people he cared about. He had more time for his friends and family members so he focused on being with them instead of finding a replacement for his ex.

  Nina was a good woman. Good looking and a good person too, at least he thought. They did everything together, cooking, walking, exercising, traveling, working... Everything you can imagine for one couple to do, they did it. They were told that that kind of behaviour isn’t healthy and that they both need their own “me time”. If you’re spending too much time together you are getting bored of the person who’s with you. You ran out of things to talk about. Everything you did together becomes forced. It’s like you can’t breath when you’re with that person and all you want to do is take a minute for yourself, to go out and smoke a cigarette or drink something.

  Badly for Blake, he didn’t think the same. He thought that being separate from your loved one means being distant from each other not just in physical way but also emotional. If they split for just a few hours that will only lead into their destruction. He didn’t want them to separate, ever. It’s not like he was jealous of other guys, because he wasn’t. He was jealous of everyone else who was spending time with Nina instead of him. He was possessive and obsessive. He had to have her only for himself in every second of his life and only then he would be happy.

  When it comes to Nina, she was happy with him. She did love him and she enjoyed spending time with him. But that lasted only for a while. When they were younger and still not married, Blake wasn’t obsessed with her. She had a lot of free time and she could do what ever she wanted. It was almost too much time for her because she wasn’t employed at that time. But when they got married, they started working together and from that point on, they didn’t spend any time away from each other.

  At first, she didn’t complain. She wanted to be with him more so that’s what she got when they got married and she felt obligated to like the situation she was in. They were busy running the bar so a lot of the time she didn’t even notice that an entire day has passed by with Blake six feet away from her all the time. But as the work began to be more manageable she started to notice Blake more, and how he was trying to be as close to her as possible. When ever she would make a step further from him, he would soon come closer, kiss her neck, hug her around the waist and not let her go for a few minutes. It was distracting for her work and began to be annoying. She needed to get away from him!

  After two years of their marriage, she told him how she wanted different working hours from his. Blake thought that she was only joking but she asked again. He decided to ignore her and pretend that he didn’t hear her, but she insisted and he couldn’t ignore her anymore. They had a long argument about it and they decided to work separately even though that’s not what Blake wanted.

  For the next month or so he began to feel depressed. Stress from work seemed bigger and heavier and he couldn’t function anymore. On his suggestion, they started going to the psychologist to try and work things out. That only made it worse. Psychologist told them that Blake is obsessive and possessive of Nina and that he has felt some kind of entitlement for her because she is married to him and if they wanted to be a healthy couple, Blake needed to work on his personality and how he feels and acts when he is with her. That made him angry. Very angry! He thought that a psychologist, who is also a man, would be on his side. But that doesn’t work that way. He was disappointed and angry and he felt betrayed by Nina, their psychologist and everybody else. He didn’t want to talk to anyone, including Nina.

  But their marriage couldn’t continue on like that anymore. Nina asked Blake if he wanted to sign a divorce paper. He went crazy and teared up all the papers. Nina didn’t expect that kind of reaction from him since he did love her. She cared about him but at that point she couldn’t do much about it. She left a note to Blake on which it says that she’ll wait a call from him once he is okay, so she moved away from their home to her friend’s apartment.

  It took him half a year to get in line and understand that he won’t be happy in a marriage with someone who doesn’t want him as their spouse anymore. So he called Nina, told her that he will sign the papers and promised her that he won’t make any drama about it.

  For six more months, paper work has gone through the system and their divorce was finale. She gave up their bar and house because they didn’t have kids and she continued to live her life far away from him, two states further.

  When she gave up her’s rightful property, he felt angry again but he succeeded at realizing that she probably doesn’t have feelings of any kind towards him and anger turned into hurt. She didn’t feel anything for him except the need to be as far away as she can. He was being annoying and boring and everything in between.

  After not getting a single call from her nor answering to his calls, he accepted the fact that she is not going to be with him anymore so he decided that if he can’t have her, he won’t be with anyone else. And he wasn’t. He gave every single girl for her. But as the times passed by, he didn’t wanted her anymore as well. She wan nothing more than a burden to him at that point. “No women in my life anymore”, he promised to himself and was prepared for a life of ‘freedom’.

  “Have you thought about what I said?” Steve asked him.

  “No”, Blake answered.

  “What did you tell him?” their friend George asked.

  “I told him to stop acting so prude all the damn time!” Steve yelled.

  “Speak quietly. I have other customers here you know”, Blake said.

  “Fuck them! It’s you who is important, not those bikers.”

  “He’s right”, George said about Steve. “You gotta have some fun occasionally.”

  “I am. You are just not around when it’s happening.”

  “Find yourself a woman”, Steve said and drank some beer. “If you’re lazy we can rent you one, you just gotta give us some money.”

  “Oh stop it!” Blake yelled. “No whores, no women. Enough!”

  “You are so tense. You do need to get laid”, George said. “Come on Steve, let’s go”, and they did. Blake has looked behind them and smiled.

  As they went out, so did one biker came in. He was in blue ripped jeans, rubber boots, leather jacket and gloves and with motorcycle glasses. His hair was a bit gray but he wasn’t old. Near 40’s probably. He slowly walked towards other bikers and sat with them while laughing loudly.

  “Beer!” biker yelled at Blake. Blake nodded and brought him big mug of beer. Biker only looked at him and smiled. After going behind the bar again, Blake thought “That’s a good looking dude”, but once he realized what he has thought, he shook his head right and left and continued to clean the glasses.

  Blake was sitting at home, watching a football game and eating pizza he has ordered half an hour ago. After the divorce he was often lazy to cook anything for him even though he was a good cook. He learned to do a lot of things when he was married. He was good at ‘man’s jobs’ like fixing cars, mechanics, building furniture and mowing the lawn, but he was also good at ‘woman’s jobs’ like cooking and cleaning.

  His house looked like it wasn’t being vacuumed for some time and there was unwashed dishes in the kitchen and clothes thrown on the floor across the room. If he had any visits from his family, he would just kick the clothes in one corner and cover the dishes with a big rag, but if his friends would come he wouldn’t care about the mess.

  Time on his laptop was showing almost midnight. He had his feet leaned on the table with no socks on and he turned off the TV.

  “Well, why not”, he thought and typed in search ‘porn videos’. He clicked on the first link th
at popped up and his screen was filled with naked men and women in different sexual positions.

  “Fucking his step mom”, he red out loud. “Sick”, he stated and clicked on it. In the video, a young jock was fucking a bit older blonde woman with big titties. She was screaming loudly ‘yes, yes’ as he was pulling her hair. She then began to rub her pussy and scream even louder.

  “Teacher and student”, he read another title. He decided to click on that one too. This time a young skinny brunette was getting fucked by an older bold guy who had a big stomach and white chest hair. Blake, without looking what the next video was, has clicked on it and saw another brunette getting gang banged by a lot of young and a bit older studs. They were exchanging their ways with her. One would fuck her from behind, other in missionary position, then she would suck someone’s dick while getting fucked. One muscly guy came on her breasts, other on her face... Blake was getting excited and laptop has began to feel uncomfortable on his crotch. He moved laptop on the table in between his legs and began to jerk off.

  “Not bad... “, he said quietly. He was rubbing his head slowly, pulling the skin over the head and back up again, but soon the video ended and he quickly searched for another one. After a few disappointments he saw the title ‘biker destroying pussy’ so he had to click on it. The biker in the video was very hairy and he had a moustache. He was wearing only boots and leather jacket while pounding young, black - haired girl. She was screaming in ecstasy it seemed. Biker was rubbing her ass as he was fucking her from behind and going balls deep with his huge cock.

  Blake couldn’t hold his orgasm anymore so he came all over his stomach and chest. Some of his cum from the first shot went even on his chin but he didn’t care. He was twitching and bending his knees until the point when his right leg has fallen from the table.